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Friday, 20 January 2023 15:34

5 Benefits of a Whole-home Water Treatment System

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5 Benefits of a Whole-home Water Treatment System

Concerned About the Quality of Your Drinking Water?

Whole-Home Water Treatment

While the drinking water in the Chicagoland are is generally good, many homeowners choose to install a whole-home water treatment system to improve their water and protect their family's health. Here are just a few of the many advantages of having a whole-home water treatment system installed in your home:

1. Improved Water Quality

By removing impurities, such as chlorine, lead, and sediment from the water supply, water is not only cleaner and clearer, it's better-tasting for drinking, cooking.

2. Less Stress On Your Plumbing System

Hard water, which is water that contains high levels of minerals, can damage appliances that such as dishwashers, water heaters, coffee makers. It can also clog shower heads and faucets. A whole-home water treatment system can remove these minerals to extend the life of your appliances and reducing the likelihood of repairs.

3. Reduced Health Risks

A water treatment system can remove bacteria and viruses that can cause serious health problems, particularly for young children and pregnant women.

4. A Cleaner Home

Hard water not only leaves ugly stains dishes and shower enclosures, it requires more detergent to do laundry and dishes. A water purification system will save time and money on household cleaning and laundry.

5. Cost Savings

In the long run, a whole-home water treatment system can save you money by reducing the need for repairs to appliances and plumbing, and by reducing the amount of soap and cleaning products needed to get things clean.

If you're considering installing a whole-home water treatment system, call MR Plumbing. Our plumbing experts can help to determine the best water quality solution for your home and budget.
Tuesday, 23 November 2021 18:00

The Top 5 Plumbing Trends For 2022

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For 2022 there are many new kitchen and bathroom plumbing upgrades that can add value, convenience and efficiency to your home. Here are a few top trends to check out if you plan to upgrade your plumbing in the coming year.

2022 Kitchen and Bath Plumbing Trends

New Faucets

New faucets are an inexpensive way to bring your bathrooms and kitchen up to date. Touch-less faucets with motion sensors can be operated without touching the controls, adding convenience and preventing the spread of germs.

New Showerheads

Shower heads are available in a wide range of styles and finishes. A new trend is to install a combination of shower heads rather than a single wall-mount shower head for a spa-like experience. Multiple shower heads can be adjusted to produce a spray that ranges from fine to coarse and a water action that ranges from gentle mist to strong massage.

Top-mount or ceiling-mounted shower heads spray from directly overhead, just like rainfall. Many top-mount shower heads can be installed flush with the ceiling in situations where the ceiling is too low to install a wall-mount head.

To accommodate tall or short bathers, sliding bar shower heads are mounted on a rail system to raise or lower the shower heat to just the right height.

Consider installing low-flow shower heads when possible. They use only around 2.5 gpm while maintaining an effective spray of water.

New Toilets

Installing high efficiency toilets is one of the smartest plumbing upgrades you can make. If your home is older and has its original plumbing fixtures, you can save up to 3.5 gallons of water per flush! Comfort-height toilets are another popular option.

Smart Plumbing Updates

Smart showers allow you set the ideal water flow rate and temperature, increasing comfort while reducing energy use.

Smart water assistants are designed to detect leaks and send alerts to your smartphone. By detecting hidden leaks you can prevent water waste and expensive damage to your home.

Smart toilets are, compact and more water efficient than traditional toilets, they're also more hygienic since they’re touch-free.  Some models are even self-cleaning. Smart toilets have options like seat warmers, touch-free automatic lids,  built-in lighting and even speakers for playing your favorite music.

For all your kitchen and bathroom remodeling needs, visit our Crestwood showroom. You'll find plenty of great ideas along with helpful advice.
Wednesday, 10 November 2021 22:06

MR Plumbing Fall Heating Season Checklist

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Fall Heating Season Checklist With energy costs on the rise this winter, many Chicagoland residents are looking for ways to save on their heating bill this season. Here are a few tips to keep your home warm and cozy while also maximizing your energy dollars.

Home Heating Checklist

1. Call to schedule your furnace tune-up

Regular furnace maintenance will help your heating system last longer and enable it to heat your home more efficiently. 

2. Replace your furnace filter
A dirty air filter can cause unhealthy air and shorten the life of your furnace. Change your filter once a month, or as recommended by the filter manufacturer.

3. Turn down your thermostat to 68 degrees
For every degree you lower your heat in the 60-degree to 70-degree range, you'll save up to 5 percent on heating costs. 

4. Program your thermostat
If you're on a regular schedule, set your thermostat to turn the temperature down when you are away from home. Better yet, upgrade to a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats learn your household routine, tuning the heat off when rooms are unoccupied.

5. Reverse the direction of your ceiling fans
In the fall, set the fan to direct the warm air downward towards the living space. 

6. Check your smoke and CO detectors
Replace the batteries annually. 

7. Check that air ducts are not blocked by rugs or furniture.
Keep all air registers open to help your heating system work efficiently.

8. Seal air leaks around windows and doors
Add additional attic insulation if needed. 

9. Keep your fireplace damper closed unless a fire is burning. 
An open chimney can allow a lot of heat to escape from your home.

10. Add an insulation blanket to your water heater tank

To retain heat and conserve hot water wrap your water heater in blanket designed to retain heat.
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  • "M & R were very professional. The bathroom came out great - looks like a bathroom in a brand new house. All work was done on time and the workmen were extreme professional throughout the entire project We would highly recommend M & R Plumbing."
    – Diane C.
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